Dr. Cezar Ornatowski, Ph.D.
- Phone: 858-334-8318
- Office Location: SHW 111
- Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-3pm
Cezar M. Ornatowski (Ph.D., Rhetoric, University of California, San Diego, 1991; MA, English, Boston College, 1980) is Professor of Rhetoric and Writing Studies at San Diego State University and associate faculty in the Master of Science Program in Homeland Security. His research interests include political rhetoric, rhetoric and political transformation (esp. in Central/Eastern Europe); totalitarian and democratic rhetorics, extremist rhetorics; visual rhetoric, strategic communication, and professional communication. His publications include over 50 journal articles and book chapters in the US, Europe, and Africa. He was Senior Fulbright Research Scholar at the Institute for Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academic of Sciences (1999) as well as an Honorary Associate of the Center for Rhetoric Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa (2002-2010). He is a graduate of a Naval Special Warfare Instructors’ Course, Naval Special Warfare Center, San Diego (June 2012), and, since 2016, has been involved in the Strategic Multilayer Assessment project supported by the Department of Defense and the US Army Special Operations Command. In June 2023, he attended the 68th annual National Security Seminar at the United States Army War College in Carlisle, PA and is a lifetime member of the Army War College Foundation.