HSEC 602
Science & Technology in Homeland Security
This class is designed to provide class participants with an overview of Science and Technology in Homeland Security, provide introductions to faculty and regional experts in different fields of science and technology, and provide an over-arching insight into grant writing and resource utilization in Homeland Security with an emphasis on science and technology applications. This semester will focus on Natural Disasters, International Trade Optimization (revenue generation), and international collaboration (especially with Vietnam, Indonesia, India, and Mexico). The focus will be on empowering you as a manager to evaluate science and technology solutions so that you know whether they are small and inexpensive, time-consuming and expensive, or impossible at this time---basically how would you strategically accomplish Homeland Security goals in science and technology as a manager including before, during, and after natural disasters.
We will use Homeland Security Community of Interest tools such as the Homeland Security Digital Library and other assets from the Naval Postgraduate School and their Center for Homeland Defense and Security as well as DHS and professionals organizations focused on Homeland Security. We will also use web sites such as Grants.gov extensively.
Outside Activities: Many outside activities will be made available to students to participate in if you would like. These are not graded and don't provide "extra credit" but do provide significant connection into the Homeland Security Community. Students are not graded on whether they participate, but will greatly enhance their "take-away" from the program. These activities include:
- attending meetings of groups such as DHS Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CIKR) conference Sept. 28th
- attending local conferences on Homeland Security
- participating in Cybersecurity efforts
- assisting in any Natural Disasters that occur during the semester
Participation in professional organizations in the region such as:
- the National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue (NIUSR)
- the Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association (AFCEA)
- and other professional organizations will also be regularly available to join in activities
Primary effort will be focused on developing possible answers and solutions for Natural Disasters globally---including working with Prof. Kevin Robinson with Geol. 600 class "Natural Disasters and Global Trade". Will be folding both these classes into the x24 Mexico major effort with Prof. George Bressler (Adjunct Faculty from Viz Center and from Global Borders College of CBP in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia), and CPT Chris Maxin (USN) who is leading the science-based scenario for the effort.
Natural Disasters or Real Homeland Security Events: During the semester, if any major natural disasters or Homeland Security events occur, class will likely focus on the use of Science and Technology for assisting in the response to these events, especially cross-border events or opportunities. Major event that fits this is Exercise 24 (x24) Mexico, which is Google Apps web resource that Viz Center (Eric Ackerman, Mike Hennig) does.
- Role of Science and Technology in Homeland Security: Communication, intelligence, collaboration, sensor networks, Homeland Security versus Homeland Defense, agencies and responsibilities, natural disasters (all hazards)
- Legal guidelines, protocols, templates for use of Science and Technology, international variability, global standards, and DoD Directive 3000.05 (military-civilian-NGO interaction), DoD Instruction 3000.05, DoD Instruction 8220.02, HSPDs that are applicable, NIMS, ICS, NIPP, NRP.
- Sensor networks, physical security, alerting, hybrid security models, software for pre-event detection versus asset management during response
- Radiological sensing: Goals, capabilities, constraints, near-term and long-term opportunities, and international concerns
- Chemical and biological sensing: Goals, capabilities, constraints, near-term and long-term opportunities, and international concerns
- Explosives sensing: Goals, capabilities, constraints, near-term and long-term opportunities, and international concerns
- Data fusion and visualization, knowledge management, collaboration, real-time synthesis, and decision support including simulations and game environments
- Imaging technologies, capabilities, platforms, principles, and electromagnetic spectrum, technologies, laws, current and future uses
- Active imaging: Technologies, image processing, examples of use such as containers, port and borders, airports, and maritime domain awareness
- Passive imaging: Technologies, data manipulation, change detection, and fusion of imaging and textual data, hybrid imaging and applications such as RFID
- Communication: Architectures, technologies (radio, Internet, optical backbone versus edge, Amateur radio, and hybrid capabilities)
- Communication: Interoperability, software and hardware solutions and challenges, TIC (Tactical Interoperable Communications) Plan, PSIC (Public Safety Interoperable Communications), San Diego's 3Cs project
- Communication: Wireless (802.11a, b, g., n), WiMax (802.16), Zigbee (802.15.4), ultrawide band, E band, and 3G versus 4G, EVDO versus GPRS/GSM, amateur radio bands, family bands, public safety spectra, commercial spectra
- IPv6 considerations and importance for cyberinfrastructure and global interaction
- Cybersecurity, data mining, and security management standards
- Funding architectures: DHS, DOJ, NIJ, NASA, TSA, DOT, DTRA, DOD, OSD, DOC, NOAA, and other agencies and modes of funding (UASI, block grants, state OHS and OES, and other funding opportunities)
- International concerns and opportunities with technology, global interaction and collaboration, coalition forces, intelligence, natural hazards global response with the aid of science and technology including long-term events and sustainability
All students must learn the names and spellings of all the other students in the class---major product of being in the class are the relationships that are built. Relationships require as a beginning knowing to whom you are talking and writing. Spelling names correctly makes a difference (you don't know someone if you can't spell their name). Will have quiz at the beginning of the third or fourth class (depending on how quickly people learn names). Passing score is 100%. Those who do not get 100% will need to keep taking the test each week until 100% is reached.
Class will run as a seminar in which students are expected to participate by reading materials outside of class and interacting in the discussions as well as making multiple presentations during the semester on a variety of subtopics relevant to the overall topics being discussed (20% of grade).
Several (likely three or four) short papers (something like 10 pages) about topics of interest will be assigned---"short" also refers to fact that the papers will not be expected to be an in-depth analyses (10-15% of grade on each paper).
Major portion of grade will be on final project, which will be presented in formal presentation at end of year (presentation will be the final). About one third of the grade will be this written paper (written individually) and PPT presentation (presented as a group). Topics to be covered will hopefully lead students into specific interests in Homeland Security.
May also try to have students write preliminary grant proposal for real Homeland Security funding, as many of you will spend significant amount of your time as professionals in pursuit of funding for your organization (such as City Office of Homeland Security, Fire Department, Police Department, Sheriff's Department, Office of Emergency Services, Red Cross, or universities).