HSEC 690
Countering Violent Extremism
Course Title: Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
San Diego State University Graduate Program in Homeland Security
Semester: Spring 2024
Class Day/Time: Thursdays 4:00 pm to 6:40 pm
Class Location: TBA
Professor: Nathanael Hicks
Email: nhicks@sdsu.edu
Office Hours: by appointment
The focus of this course is violent extremist group ideologies, their origin, their evolution, and their current forms. Students will study, develop, and apply essential critical thinking skills to deconstruct violent extremist doctrines. We will employ these skills to analyze a spectrum of methods used by those seeking to radicalize persons or a group of persons. Students will individually and collectively develop a working definition of extremism and discern how state authorities, extremist associations, and ethnic and religious organizations practice emotional exploitation to forge a narrative through propaganda and rhetoric. Students will learn from guest speakers presently combatting violent extremists who will present real-world perspectives and experiences.
Learning Outcomes: